How Does Outsourced Marketing Improve Your Bottom Line?

outsourcing to a freelance marketing consultant agency conceptual image

Prior to the rapid evolution of digital media, most SMEs and marketers relied heavily on the media knowledge and creative expertise of traditional advertising / media buying agencies – not a freelance marketing consultant agency.

Back then it made perfect sense as advertising planning, buying, creative executions and promotional activities were totally dominated by Television, Print, Magazines, Radio, Cinema and Outdoor.

Given the agencies’ expertise, outsourcing allowed businesses to keep their focus on their day-to-day management, marketing activities and servicing of their loyal customers. Really what they were doing was what legendary business consultant, Peter Drucker said, “Do what you do best and outsource the rest.

The advent of digital technologies, with rapidly evolving social media platforms and websites, quickly undermined the established media sectors’ dominant share of audiences.

This resulted in a massive disruption and decline in traditional media audiences. This saw an ongoing transformation and seismic shift to new media consumption, and online buying behaviour.

The transition to today’s measurement and reporting of all media effectiveness, along with online content creation disciplines, will continue to evolve.

The challenge for SMEs is the ongoing need for expertise and understanding of the ever-shifting disciplines of digital media marketing. And in a nutshell, staying ahead of the game, or at least, trying to keep up!

So where to from here you may ask?

Expertise in a rapidly evolving media world is even more critical today!

Most SMEs today feel they are at a disadvantage to larger companies with greater financial clout to run in-house marketing teams, often supported by outsourcing to a marketing agency. On the surface, it may seem that only businesses with significant marketing budgets can afford to outsource; however, the reality is that for SMEs with smaller budgets, hiring a freelance marketing consultant agency instead can be a viable solution.

Why is outsourcing worth it for your business?

Consider this.

Even medium to large companies today are outsourcing their marketing content to smaller, more nimble and proactive freelance marketing consultant agencies. In a dynamic digital media environment, smaller, digital savvy marketing agencies are not weighed down by the relentless demands of big budget clients.

Let’s face it, complacency is never an issue with smaller agencies. Because they value your business and are more focused on delivering commitment, creativity and diligence.

Also, to outsource digital marketing to a smaller marketing agency provides you with access to the expertise and resources you either don’t have, or can’t afford to run internally.

Their commitment to your ongoing success ensures that together you can implement effective, response-driven marketing campaigns – and at a fraction of the overheads of in-house marketing costs.

After all, as Warren Buffet states, “… it’s in society’s best interests to have the most output produced with the least inputs.” This is definitely true when outsourcing to highly agile agencies with lower overheads.

7 Ways You Benefit from Outsourcing Your Business Marketing Needs


Woman in Suit Standing Facing a Sign Saying Outsource and text 7 Ways you Benefit from Outsourcing your Business Marketing Needs

1. Saving Costs on Building an Internal Marketing Team

Let’s face it, in today’s digital landscape, it’s incredibly costly to build a team with all of the talents required to fit your business marketing needs. To attempt to do so is simply folly. Better to appoint a smaller freelance marketing consultant agency that can tap into whatever area of expertise is required.

You will avoid all the costly overheads of staff numbers and these savings can provide help with your marketing budget. You will also have more expert resources and access to a specialised talent pool to really bolster your marketing campaign and drive better results!

2. No More Bureaucracy

Without the usual, in-house corporate compliance rule book, you will have access to a productive, innovative solutions environment for blue sky thinking and creative brainstorming. And get things done faster!

3. Less Revenue Focus

Your outsourced marketing agency will need to make money – obviously. But they are not totally consumed by numbers. Nor does it determine direction; rather, it inspires enthusiasm and motivation for creating strategic solutions to meet your marketing objectives.

4. Lost in “The System”

Smaller marketing agencies do not have the staffing and departmental structures of a medium to large business.

Their specialised staff are always communicative and responsive. You are their most valued asset, and as such, you the client can call and expect an answer immediately to any query on your marketing progress.

5. Small is Nimble

By their very nature, freelance marketing consultant agencies are results-driven, flexible and adaptable. If you the client wants something done, they will just get it happening without loads of procedural minefields to slow it down.

If the strategic or creative direction suddenly needs altering, the small agency can react with immediacy, and ensure a smooth, seamless transition.

6. Relevance and Responsiveness

Small agencies by their very nature are responsive and this enables them to move quickly to address the daily pressures of a fast-moving marketplace. Clients identify with this attitude and are attracted to this immediacy – as they too want to move at that same speed. Often, smaller agencies are best positioned to deliver on this value add.

7. Affordability and Transparency

Some big agencies who work with massive businesses consider their clients to be a license to print money. They will often load costs in the belief that their clients can afford it and will pay it. However, most clients are aware of this practice and many are now seeking smaller, more transparent agencies who can deliver the same or better work at a lower price point.

Businesses are often resigned to the loss of ROI if they are forced to make cuts to their marketing budget. However, as we have already covered, in the event of budget cuts, outsourcing your marketing could help you find a better way to maintain your ROI.

Outsourcing is more than just saving money; it’s also about maximising the results from your existing marketing efforts and ultimately, helping you convert more customers.

For more information, contact us at Content Box: +612 9440 9369.


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